Time Display
Analogue Type, Hour Hand, Minute Hand
Time Accuracy
+15 Seconds/Month, RTC supported correction every hour through sensors, also GPS Facility provided as per customer requirement.
STD Sizes Available
0.7 mt,1.0mt,1.5mt,1.7mt,1.8mt & 2.7mt Diameter/Square. Also as per customer requirement.
1.5mm Steel, Finished with powdered coating, All weather resistant.
Dial concept as per customer requirement.
Hands shape as per customer requirement, Hour Hand, Minute Hand all well balanced.
5-8 Toughened Glass.
Micro Controller based auto intelligent electronic controller to drive stepper motor attached to high torque clock module, Four clocks drive output.
Power Supply
Back up
Solar-Through solar PV module 37W/12V Battery – Through two batteries 12V,10AH
Striking Attachment
Programmed amplified bell sound.
Ideal Locations
Railway stations, Corporate houses, Buildings, Schools, Colleges, Religious places, Swimming pools, Sports clubs, Traffic junctions etc.